
Roczniki Naukowe Zootechniki

e-ISSN: 2956-3356

ISSN: 0137-1657

„Roczniki Naukowe Zootechniki” is a bi-annual scientific journal published since 1974. It contains articles in Polish and in conference languages, with English summaries. Since 2017, the journal’s website has also included full-text articles in English.

The journal publishes internationally-oriented, original research and review articles in animal sciences. All the articles are peer-reviewed by relevant specialists from research centres in Poland and abroad. The journal also contributes to the translation of the latest scientific advances to the agricultural practice, also for agricultural college students.

“Roczniki Naukowe Zootechniki” has an international Editorial Board.

Indexed by: Scopus, Index Copernicus.

Full text articles are available online (open access). Starting from 2022, the journal is published online only. The articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The journal is published by the National Research Institute of Animal Production, 32-083 Balice n. Kraków.